Course curriculum

    1. Week 1: Identify Goals

    2. Week 1: Time Blocking

    3. Week 1: Identify what’s working/not working

    1. Week 2: : Backward Engineer From Point B to A

    2. Week 2: Identify The Roadblocks In The GAP

    1. Week 3: Strengthen What Is Working and Rework What is Not

    2. Week 3: Small Steps Over Big Leaps

    3. Week 3: Your Message On Repeat

    1. Week 4: Time To Reflect and Evaluate

    1. The Stabilizing Method

    2. Meditation

    3. Journaling

    4. Diva-Days

    5. Self-Care

    1. You Can Only Receive What You Believe

About this course

  • 15 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content